By that sin fell the angels. How can man then, the image of his maker hope to win by it?

Friday, October 12, 2012

RTT - 1850 - Daemons Tournament List

It is that time of the month again, a magical moment when my wife has the chance to visit her parents in her home town.  More relevant to me, and this Blog is that it just so happens that the last several of these visits have corresponded to the monthly tournaments at Millenium Games.

Excerpted from

Last time around I played a slightly different Daemons list that emphasized heralds - this was on the eve of the Lookout Sir! changes and 1 surprise FAQ later I had to change my strategy.  You can read all about that list here.  If you look really carefully- I would look at those posts labeled Battle Reports - you can also read how that list played out for me.

I have a few advantages this time around that I lacked before - mainly I have the complete ruleset for the new Daemons, where before I was relying on scans.  Actually, that is not really an advantage - it just makes me seem more legit.  The point of tomorrow is to test out a list for Da Boyz GT.  I posted some thoughts on lists initially here and but then had some second thoughts.

I am very loathe to leave a flying monstrous creature out of the list with the number of flyers going around - and the skyfire FAQ helps to take them down immensely.  Vector Strikes add some potential too - but are less reliable.  If I am taking any of the flyers it is going to be Fateweaver - who is nearly strictly better than a Lord of Change when it comes to upgrades and abilities - not to mention makes all my units more durable.  Naturally, the unit that benefits the most from this is Blood Crushers - who have been much chagrined lately, but I still like.  It might be because I spent 80 dollars of store credit on a set of 6 near the end of 5th edition when apparently I should have been buying Flamers and Screamers.

My previous go to list in 5th emphasized Fiends - I want to bring some into my list this time but I recognize that Screamers fulfill the same role and are almost better at it - lacking Fleet, Move Through Cover but getting AP 2 and Hammer of Wrath.  For the sake of diversity, I am bringing both - and also because I only own 9 Screamers.  That means tomorrow I am taking a hybrid of the lists I discussed in my previous GT posts - and it also means I have added 4 more models to paint in the crushers - but I am doing fine otherwise, I swear, more Horror pics up this weekend!


4x Bloodcrushers
6x Fiends
6x Flamers

9x Horrors
5x Horrors w/ Bolt
5x Horrors w/ Bolt
5x Plaguebearers
5x Plaguebearers

Fast Attack
9x Screamers

Heavy Support
2x Soul Grinders

This list actually has more troops technically than my last - although I did not find it that useful before to use the plagues.  They mainly Deep Struck in and either hid or chased some Ratlings.  They do provide the chance to put all my heavy hitters in one wave and my preferred split will probably be: Fate, Crushers, Fiends, Screamers, Flamers.  The rest is a bit negotiable depending on if good targets are present, we have Night Fight, which turn I get (by the way stay tuned for an article of why going 1st with Daemons is the new black).  The likely candidates to drop out are the Flamers and Fiends - I want the crushers to be my anvil but against Terminators the Crushers are going to drop out til later.

I will be taking pictures, throwing dice and arriving with the intent to just have a good time - and with the hopes of leaving with a CSM codex!

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