By that sin fell the angels. How can man then, the image of his maker hope to win by it?

Sunday, October 14, 2012

1850 - RTT - G1 - 10-14-12

In stark contrast to the last tournament I played in, this time my daughter decided to sleep through the night and left little doubt that I would have the chance to play Saturday.  I arrived without coffee about 20 minutes before the tournament and the format remained the same, although it was a bit tighter with respect to the rules.  The winner was based on W-L record over 3 rounds, which just about guaranteed there would be a tie with the fifteen to twenty people.

The tie would be broken by battle points - which is where the tighter rules this week came in.  For each mission the number of objectives was set by a TO roll at the start of the round which kept some mystery in it, but made sure each player could score just about the same number of points.

As usual I brought my Daemons with me as usual with the list discussed in this post.

Game 1

Mission: Big Guns Never Tire
Deployment: Dawn of War (12" from board edge)
Opponent: Eldar

My first opponent is Kevin whom I have played a number of games against, and always have a great game with.  He has dropped the Tau from the Eldar he has been running to bring some more killing power against non-MEQ armies (like mine actually).

Eldrad w/ Diviniation (reroll hits, psyker rerolls everything, overwatch full BS)

5x Fire Dragons w/ Fire Pike in Wave Serpent

11x Guardians w/ Scatter Laser, Witchblade
7x Pathfinders
10x Dire Avengers

Fast Attack
7x Warp Spiders

Heavy Support
5x Dark Reapers w/ Crack Shot Exarch
3x War Walkers w/ Missiles
Falcon w/ Brightlance, Scatter Laser

Aegis Line w/ Icarus Lascannon

Warlord Traits: I get -1 to enemy reserves while my opponent gets Acute Senses.


I get first turn and elect to take it - more on why I take first turn as Daemons later - and put my opponent in the half of the table with less cover.  We have 3 objectives, with one having to be in the center.  I put mine in a ruin near the board edge that I can hide in.  My opponents goes inside his Aegis line.  Since this is Big Guns and he has limited anti-tank, I know my grinders are going to survive an awful long time and I can keep them at range to drop templates and avoid Fire Dragons.

Eldrad is manning the Icarus, the pathfinders are in cover and in reserves are the Warp Spiders and War Walkers.

I roll for Night Fight and we do not get it.  I should also note that thus far in 6th edition I have a 7 game streak going (every game of 6th I have played) tabling my opponents.  I feel a little bit of pressure as if losing here will cost me the tournament, as well as, the streak!

Turn 1 - Daemon

I choose a preferred wave to put immediate pressure on Kevin with Fateweaver, 2x Soul Grinders, Flamers,  Crushers, Screamers.  The Dark Gods decide that I should have included more troops and instead I get 3 units of Horrors, Fiends and Plaguebearers.

I come in and get one unit of Plagues in reserve for a mishap, and then whiff with my two bolts and run the large boltless Horrors.

Turn 1 - Eldar

The Wave Serpent with Fire Dragons and Falcon move out, and everything unloads on my Fiends to try for First Blood.  All but 1 Fiends bites it and you can see my Deep Strikes from Turn 2 and the casualties from shooting in the next picture.

Turn 2 - Daemons
I want to keep the Eldar closed up in their deployment zone, and get the Crushers, Flamers, Plagues, 1 Grinder and Screamers in.  The Grinder eats the Interceptor shot and gets immobilized while I try to put the Flamers in back of his army - doing so would obliterate just about everything there and win me the game.  I scatter 1" too far and get put into the far back corner of my deployment zone - which means the Flamers are out of the game.

The large 9 man Horror unit knock out the Pathfinders with Warp Fire netting me first blood.

I turbo boost over the large guardian squad and knock down all but 4 and a warlock in the process - putting the screamers dangerously close to his troops.  In other news my Bolt pops his Fire Dragon Wave Serpent and pins the unit.  The other bolt is saved by Jink - but the lone Fiend wrecks it with a pair of glances and a pen.

Turn 2 - Eldar
The Warp Spiders come in, and Kevin is confronted with a real mess.  He deep strikes them to take shots at the Crushers, while the Dark Reapers get to fire overwatch at full BS.  Eldrad also Perils on double 1's and  fails his Ghosthelm.

Two crushers go down to the Warp Spiders and fire from the Guardians and Dark Reapers.  The Reapers were particularly brutal but it still left 9 screamers in the backfield.  They ate a  Bladestorm form the Dire Avengers who managed to miss over hald their shots and only 4 Screamers went down.

Turn 3 - Daemons
Neither of my reserves come in, which would have sealed the game if they had.  I shoot up the Reapers with the Horrors and take down a few.  While the Horrors are taken down by the other two Horror units.  The lone Fiend continues his escapades and assaults into the Wave Serpent - but fails to finish it off.

The Grinder is a champ and knocks down 3 Warp Spiders, causing them to fail morale and run.  In the meantime the crushers predictably massacre the Guardians while the Screamers finish the Dire Avengers.

Turn 3 - Eldar
Things are a real mess now, and psychic powers go up again.  The Warp Spiders regroup and take down one more crusher while the reapers eat up another Screamer.  The Fiend gets a single wound put on it by the Wave Serpent and that is it for the Eldar who still do not have their War Walkers in.

Turn 4 - Daemons
confident that all the real work was done the last Grinder and Fateweaver come in.  The Interceptor shot fails to hurt the Grinder who blows away the remainder of the Warp Spiders.  The Horrors take two hull points from the Wave Serpent while the Fiend eats the overwatch - and survives - from the Dark Reapers.

The Crushers and Screamers also go in and Eldrad is down as well.  Fate opts to 'run' to try to get into re-roll range for the assault, but was short.  Still, she protect the Horrors.

Turn 4 - Eldar
The War Walkers come in and try to use their Heavy Support unit to take the last objective and kill a grinder.

The missiles manage a single glance but I make my Daemon 5++ save and prepare to assault into the walkers.

Turn 5 - Daemons

The flamers are finally in range to do something and they toast the Wave Serpent with a plethora of glances.
The grinder - whose legs are in the bottom of the picture is beating the tar out of some War Walkers.  We continue to the bottom of 5 and the Eldar are tabled netting me full points for the mission.

Daemons are a tough matchup for this list and the power of the Screamers and Crushers, along with some luck on my part, was enough to break the Eldar castle.  It was key getting the Falcon and Fire Dragon serpent down early to limit their impact on the game.  Also, my Warlord trait actually seemed to make a difference here with both Walker reserve rolls failing on a 3.

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