By that sin fell the angels. How can man then, the image of his maker hope to win by it?

Thursday, June 28, 2012

1250 - 4 Player FFA - Round 2

Round 2

Each of the tables used in this tournament are a bit different to provide 3 unique experiences as we all played one game on each table.  This table had a huge circle of LoS blocking terrain on the peripheral with nothing in the center.  I was nervous about this one and need a little luck to make things work for me.  As it turns out, I choose my deployment zone first and arbitrarily choose one with a little less terrain to prevent mishaps.  My opponents for this round are hyv3mynds Dark Eldar again here who end up across from me this time.  There is also a Grey Knight player and an Imperial Guard with the following

Grey Knights
Librarian w/ Might of Titan, Santuary, Quickening

10x Terminators w/ 2x Psycannon, 2x Daemon Hammer, 8x Halbreds, Psybolt
5x Terminators w/ Psycannon, Daemon Hammer, 4x Halbred, Psybolt

Nemesis Dreadknight
Autocannon Dread with Psybolt

Imperial Guard
Primaris Psyker

10x Veteran Guardsmen w/ 3x Plasma in Chimera
10x Veteran Guardsmen w/ 3x Melta, Demolitions

Fast Attack
Devil Dog

Leman Russ Demolisher
2x Leman Russ Annnihilator (the autocannon one)

The softest list for me to take points is the guard - the Dark Eldar have a Deathstar I want to avoid and the GK are not worth the hassle.  I want to drop down, steal the objective for a turn or two and rip apart the guard before running away and hiding.

I deploy nothing by my opponents want to put stuff on the board so they show off their toys.

Notably missing are the Dark Eldar, who have a whole write up of their own here.

I really want to take Turn 4 for this one and then get Turn 1 right after.  That way I can assault right after my Deep Strike, maybe score the center objective and remain clear of shooting in the open for a bit.  Instead I get Turn 1!

Turn 1
I choose Fiends, Fateweaver and Blood Crushers as my preferred wave and get my secondary.  A stellar start so far.  My Deep Strikes are okay overall and I manage to spread out around the center, but I do not kill anything - although I do take the Inferno Cannon off of the Hellhound.

The Grey Knights lose their dreads to the Leman Russes while the Dark Eldar Archon misses for the second game in a row on double 1's.  So much for BS 7.  I lose a few scattered PB and Horrors to shooting, but am otherwise okay.

Turn 2

The guard gets the first turn and I take a smattering of casualties while he drops a Valk behind the GK to get some melta shots off. The Hellhound contests the objective so I cannot get free points and otherwise it is whiff city.

I get the second turn and get EVERYTHING in - 6x Crushers, 6x Fiends and Fate all hit dead center of the board and give me a commanding presence in the middle. I assault the Hellhound with my PB's in an attempt to free up the objective, but only manage to stun it a few times with my attacks. The Grey Knights respond by turning around to hit the guardsmen and fleeing backward with the DK so all that stands between me and the center is a stunned hellhound.

In the meantime the DE continue their poor rolling and get nothing threatening in. I am hoping for a first turn and a Grey Knight final turn so I can wrack up some objective points.

Turn 3
I get half my wish and grab the first turn - but GK get the second. Fate jumps over and kills off the Hellhound while the Fiends pile into the guard line and wreck a few vehicles. The Crushers make a wall to secure my flank and I snag 3 points for holding the center and a few more for taking out some tanks.

It has become obvious to the GK and the other players that something must be done so the Dreadknight jumps forward to contest and all three players unload their entire armies into mine. The smoke clears and I have lost only a few Plaguebearers in combat against a DE Beast Pack - but I managed to win combat and start whittling the pack down. My saves are on fire at this point and my Fiends wrack up some more points on stunned vehicles.

Turn 4
I get Turn 1 again and decide to Bolt, Breath and Gift the Dreadknight doing 2 wounds. She assaults in as well (making it through sanctuary) and I am hoping to get lucky and take the NDK down - unfortunately I whiff and fail both of my saves! I pass leadership on a 9 and a 9 just to show them who is in charge and make my Daemonbane.

The Plagues continue to rock and break the Beast Pack with the help of some crushers though they end up getting away. Finally the Fiends jump behind me and Stun/Weapon destroy the Chimera nipping at my heels.

In response I get hit by everyone again - Fate lives in spite of taking 10 GKT to the face and the Plagues get smacked by a Talos. A few stray DE shots finish off some Guardsmen while the Grotesques who have been cautiously watching advance. I am hoping to get a chance to charge into them if I can go first next time and force some nice combat res onto the Talos but...

Turn 5
My luck runs out and I go last this time. Fate stands strong in spite of some more hammers joining the fray while the Talos works on the Plagues a bit more. The guardsmen are about spent, but take some token shots into the one Horror I have left and snag some points. The Crushers eat a charge from the Grotesques but so many are out of range I take minimal damage and I am able to stay in fates bubble

In my Turn we have a little discussion on when combats are resolved - I wanted to do them all at once for the sake of time but the player whose turn it is gets to choose and I nominally say we do Fate second so my crushers can get their reroll on saves. The crushers start to win against the Grotesques while the Plagues are wiped. My Fiends destroy the few guardsmen who are left and Fate FINALLY bites it to a Thunder Hammer, but not before taking down the Dreadknight. Sadly, she failed to knock out the Librarian with her spawning.

We tally up points and I have taken it - though by a closer margin than if I had not thrown Fate into the fray but this is a Free For All and for fun so what better moment could there be than Fate Spawning some GK's and beating them in CC!  I also total 1 more HQ kill for the Primaries Psyker, to bring my total to two.

Final report coming up by the end of tonight with some of my own pictures as hyv3mynd moved to another table for this one.

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