By that sin fell the angels. How can man then, the image of his maker hope to win by it?

Saturday, June 16, 2012

1250 - 4 Player FFA - Revisited

With the tournament coming up tonight I have made a few revisions to my list (some pictures to follow tomorrow on the painting progress).  The rules and original list can be found here.  I managed to complete the bodies of all 19 Zombies who will be my stand in Slaanesh Plague Bearers.  To make them appropriately Slaanesh'ish they will soon have all the paraphernalia needed to be Slaanesh devoted addicts suffering the results of their addictions.  I also forgot to bring along my Daemonettes which means I am going to have to make a few swaps for this list.  The new list I will take with me tonight is:

HQ - 333

Elite - 280
6x Blood Crushers w/ Full Command

Troops - 631
19x Plague Bearers w/ Icon, Instrument- 310
18x Horrors w/ Changeling, Bolt - 321

From the old list I lost the Fiends and Daemonettes and brought in a huge block of Horrors.  I am hoping they will form an obnoxious firebase and a huge tarpit at the center of the board if need be.  Also, I am going against my own general doctrine by bringing two icons in a 1250 list - the reason being that in the past the board has become extremely crowded in these types of games.  I think that with this list, however, I have a real shot to drop down in the center of the board and rack up some obejctives.

Battle reports for these games will follow - in a 4 players game there is a but more time for pictures.

1 comment:

  1. Talk about KP denial lol. 4kp in 1250pts? Mine has 9 now ugh. Those are some tough nuts to crack.
