By that sin fell the angels. How can man then, the image of his maker hope to win by it?

Friday, December 23, 2011

Daemonettes Update!

Two updates in one day is craziness, but I have to thank the in-laws for cooking all day, listening to Christmas carols and humoring me as I spend the day painting in the corner.

With the test model successfully executed, I decided to start in on the Daemonette unit.  For this unit I am taking a different tactic, mainly I am painting each miniature start to finish rather than assembly line style.  This makes it a bit less tedious for me.  When I do have some time while washes dry, I start the basecoats of another model.

Here are the first three models.

Tomorrow is another day at the in-laws and with some luck I can get to a Sacred Six Daemonettes completed!

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