By that sin fell the angels. How can man then, the image of his maker hope to win by it?

Monday, October 24, 2011

Da Boyz GT - Pregame

It has been a while since my last post, a recurring theme with Blogs it seems.  However, I am going to buck the trend and just continue to randomly update regardless of how long a time period has gone by.  Last weekend (October 21-22) was the Da Boyz GT.  For those that have never heard of this event, it is a heavy comp based event where the comp score is predicated on 'exploring' one's codex.  This means specifically that no units can be duplicated.

Since this is a major event (over 100 players typically) it would mean lot's of Grey Knights.  I faced two of them, I will provide some battle reports and pictures to go with them as well.

Naturally this presented a problem for me as a mono-Slaanesh player, I did not even meet the minimum score required to play.  Instead I Slaanesh was forced to Ally with the devious Tzeetch for this game.  As you can see I was nailed pretty hard on the Comp matrix and all the new models meant I was unable to get to an acceptable painting standard.  Interesting note, I have not updated any of my painting because I have lot's of barely base coated models I painted rather than meaningful progress on the others.  Here is the list I ran, and associated Composition Matrix score.

Slaanesh-Tzeetch Daemons

Herald of Slaanesh on Chariot w/ Chaos Icon, Soporofic Musk, Unholy Might
Herald of Tzeetch on Chariot w/ Bolt of Tzeetch, Master of Sorcery

6x Fiends of Slaanesh
6x Fiends of Slaanesh
3x Flamers of Tzeetch

12x Daemonettes w/ Transfixing Gaze
12x Daemonettes
5x Horrors w/ Bolt
5x Horrors w/ Bolt

Fast Attack
7x Screamers of Tzeetch
12x Seekers of Slaanesh

Heavy Support
Soulgrinder w/ Tongue
Soulgrinder w/ Tongue

I figure this is as good a place as any to have that all important composition discussion.  I really liked the way the composition matrix was set up.  I saw a lot of very interesting and diverse armies.  It enabled many builds to be effective that, given a standard field, may have been impractical.  I think the matrix execution was good and this is from someone who took a huge hit on the matrix.  I simply did not own the models and the matrix came out too late for me to acquire the needed diversity.

In addition to the comp matrix, there were also 30 points of judged composition.  I made a mistake in what my understanding of what this is.  I thought this was meant to take into account people who attempt to 'break' the matrix.  For example, taking a battle wagon as dedicated transport and as a heavy support choice.  This is penalized in matrix for 20 points, so a 15-20 point this seems reasonable.  Another example would be the same strategy for Land Raiders or taking units in different slots to artificially differentiate them for diversities sake.

The feedback I received from my judged score, which was 0, was that I took a 'nasty list' due to the 5 man horror squads and the duplicate Soul Grinders/Fiends.  I agree that I min/maxed the horrors, although if I combined them to hit sacred number 9 I would still receive the same comp score with one less Bolt.   However, other than that, there are no 'tricks' in the list.  It was also pointed out that I repeated the Fiends and Soul Grinders.   Which I admit, I definitely did.  However, I was already penalized for that in the Comp Matrix.

I did not try to beat the matrix, I said here is my army and I took the hit to the face in points like a man and stuck to my theme (essentially a symmetric Slaanesh/Tzeetch force).  I am sure as the system of comp continues to be refined, a better definition for what a judged component is will emerge to make it easier for players to understand how the event is scored.

The great thing is, I knew I was not in the running for Best Overall (comp and painting says no....) so that means it is time to introduce some Grey Knights (many have not ever seen Daemons on the field!) to Daemons...

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