By that sin fell the angels. How can man then, the image of his maker hope to win by it?

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

1850 - Tournament - First 6th ed

With two games squarely under my belt, I think it is time to attend a tournament.  Actually, I do not expect great things from this particular outing but I will have a camera and a write up on some of my thoughts.  I plan to attend the Millenium Games (plug) 1850 tournament, which is a qualifier for the end of the year store championship   Luckily, I have already qualified so this is a great excuse to grab 3 competitive games in a row.

The real question is what to bring with me for an army list.  Here is a list of everything I have available to me for the tournament...

1x Daemon Princess/Skarbrand/Fateweaver
1x Herald of Slaanesh on Chariot
2x Herald of Slaanesh on Seeker
1x Herald of Tzeetch on Disc
1x Keeper of Secrets
1x The Masque

12x Fiends of Slaanesh
6x Blood Crushers
6x Flamers of Tzeetch

48x Daemonettes
19x Plaguebearers
20x Pink Horrors

Fast Attack
9x Screamers
18x Seekers

Heavy Support
3x Soul Grinders
2x Daemon Princess

When you list it all out, it seems like I should have more but that is one crowded table - especially with the Daemonettes.  I am considering running a list that mixes together a number of units and emphasizes the Heralds - and does not use Fateweaver.  Generally, I look at Fateweaver as powerful, but a bit of a crutch as well when I am trying out units.  Fate makes almost every unit seem better than it is.  To that end, my proposed list with some analysis is...

The Masque
-Pavane is obscenely good now - especially if you pack some decent shooting - and there are a lot of neat tricks that she can pull for you.  The reduction in cover saves all around makes AP more important than before, and The Masque is key for sniping models with shooting, or keeping that 2+ save somewhere else.  She also provides some added uncertainty for opponents - that potential extra 6" on an assault can be a game changer and help setup important multi-assaults.

Herald of Tzeetch - Disc, Bolt, We Are Legion, Master of Sorcery
-If I plan to use Flamers (I do plan to use flamers) this guy is a must for some wound allocation trickery.  He also provides an anti-tank shot I can fling out to take on other vehicles while the Flamers roast a unit (or vehicle) in the open.

Choose Your Adventure...
I try not to spend more than 200-300 points on HQ choices in general, I think they can be a waste at time, and there is simply not enough room for Fiends and Juggurnauts.  I think both have some potential, but where to use them.  Here is the loadout for each variant...

Herald of Khorne - Juggernaut, Blessing of the Blood God, Fury of Khorne
-To wound allocate the crushers I need a herald nearby to pass off the wounds.  I will talk more on crushers in a moment.

Herald of Slaanesh - Seeker Mount, Pavane
-I show my bias for Pavane again - even on a BS 3 model - and I really like the new rules for Beasts/Cav.  These guys are going to be FAST while remaining deadly if they can make it through overwatch shots - which will not account for too many casualties in most cases.

6x Flamers of Tzeetch - Pyrocaster
-These guys got very good, very fast with the Wall of Death rules, their cost reduction and bump up to two wounds.  All the other Elite choices sit on 2 wounds, so it makes some sense for them to as well.  the Pyro enables some more Look Out Sir! tomfoolery in the unit and also a one time bump against a challenge for the Herald.

Choose Your Adventure...
The points on these are roughly the same - and I think that I have enough for one or the other.  This would be the first time I did not bring Fiends with me to a tournament - but they play differently now and I need to figure out if I like that or not.

4x Bloodcrushers - Fury of Khorne
-The inclusion of Crushers is a bit of a departure from most Daemon builds at this point, but I think there is a place for a unit with a 3+/5++, S/T 5 and Power Swords.  They will not kill Terminators, but there are a lot of good assault units that cannot deal with a 2+.  Flamers will have to target the Terminators.  The real role of the crushers is to Deep Strike close and put immediate pressure on the enemy.  They are potentially slow, but

6x Fiends of Slaanesh
-Fiends remain good, while rending is now better than a power weapon against the 2+ save guys.  They also benefit from I5 in combat to strikedown the enemy and possibly deny any swings back to mitigate the damage.  They are much less survivable against Overwatch, and I wonder if they need Fateweaver to be effective...

5x Horrors w/ Bolt
5x Horrors w/ Bolt
5x Horrors w/ Bolt
5x Horrors w/ Bolt
-Not much to be said here, these guys are still in my opinion one of the top troop choices.  They do not suffer much with the reduction in cover having a 4++ and those BS 3 bolts provide some extra vehicle hitting power

7x Plaguebearers
-This will be the first time I have not run Daemonettes in a Daemon army in any way shape or form.  I still like the Daemonettes, but they simply do not fit in the sizes they need to be in this army.

Fast Attack
9x Screamers
-These guys are my main anti-flyer unit (except for Storm Ravens, Valks and anything without Rear Armour 10) using their fly by slashing attacks.  I know Monstrous Creatures are the way to go to take down flyers, but I think the flying MC are a bit overpriced for what they bring - not to mention my Daemon Princes lack something that would make them seem flying'ish - note to self model some wings...

Heavy Support
3x Soul Grinders
-These got a big boost in my opinion - I will have to see if we are allowing a 5++ on them, but in spite of that their Battle Cannon is better, the removal of half strength on vehicles and no more glances annoyingly wiping them out is great.  Further, since I get to choose what weapons they lose, they need to take 3 Weapon Destroyed before the Mawcannon disappears.  They are a bit chunk of the army, so I hope they can hold up.

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