By that sin fell the angels. How can man then, the image of his maker hope to win by it?

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Da Boyz Round 2 - Eldar

Da Boyz Round 2 - Eldar

I check my pairings and at first I misread them and think I am up against Nick Rose (he Massacred me round 1 last year at this event when I played SoB).  I move to the table and am relieved at first to see someone else there until I realize it is Greg Sparks.

On a side note, what an awesome last name is Sparks?  I mean, seriously, when they were handing out last names at the beginning of time his great-great grandfather must have won the lottery to pick first.

I have never met Greg before but his reputation precedes him in Rochester, I know he is not going to make mistakes.  I also know that this is probably the worst mission possible for me to draw against him, before we get into the, the mission.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Da Boyz Round 1 - Grey Knights

I wanted to give back a bit to all those Battle Reps I have enjoyed over the last year.  To do so, I wrote the story of my Daemons here at Da Boyz GT.   I did not win the event (in fact my painting/comp score took me right out of the running), but I did manage to stay in the running for Battle Points!

In a tournament dominated by Grey Knights the Chaos Gods call upon members of an elite team called the Bandwagon Breaking Unit to corrupt the metagame.  These are their stories.

Da Boyz GT - Pregame

It has been a while since my last post, a recurring theme with Blogs it seems.  However, I am going to buck the trend and just continue to randomly update regardless of how long a time period has gone by.  Last weekend (October 21-22) was the Da Boyz GT.  For those that have never heard of this event, it is a heavy comp based event where the comp score is predicated on 'exploring' one's codex.  This means specifically that no units can be duplicated.

Since this is a major event (over 100 players typically) it would mean lot's of Grey Knights.  I faced two of them, I will provide some battle reports and pictures to go with them as well.

Naturally this presented a problem for me as a mono-Slaanesh player, I did not even meet the minimum score required to play.  Instead I Slaanesh was forced to Ally with the devious Tzeetch for this game.  As you can see I was nailed pretty hard on the Comp matrix and all the new models meant I was unable to get to an acceptable painting standard.  Interesting note, I have not updated any of my painting because I have lot's of barely base coated models I painted rather than meaningful progress on the others.  Here is the list I ran, and associated Composition Matrix score.

Slaanesh-Tzeetch Daemons