By that sin fell the angels. How can man then, the image of his maker hope to win by it?

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Team Tournament - 1000 Points - Random Partners!

In spite of failing to provide updates in almost a month, I have been busy painting away.  There has been a slight distraction with our family expanding from two to three, but I think I am ready to hop back into the painting bandwagon.  Naturally, the best motivation to get some painting done is an upcoming tournament and I am targeting  a random team tournament at my old stomping ground.  Here is the overview thus far (it may change)

No shared abilities or transports between allies
Random partners - first round truly random, second round pairings from the top/bottom half of players
Modified Force Org - 1 HQ, 0-2 Elite, 1-3 Troops, 0-2 Fast, 0-2 Heavy
--> No single selection other than troops may be taken more than once.

I really like these rules overall, and they work for Daemons a bit (by the way, I am naturally playing Daemons and I am going to let my partner get smashed turn 1!) since I usually bring a wide range of different units.  That said, here is my initial thoughts for an army list.

HQ - 200
Keeper of Secrets

Elite - 460
6x Fiends of Slaanesh w/ Might
6x Blood Crushers w/ Icon, Instrument, Fury

Troops - 168
12x Daemonettes

Heavy - 160
Soul Grinder w/ Phlegm

Total - 998

Since a Keeper of Secrets is my only real 'viable' option for an HQ based on painting (The Masque is banned and foot Slaanesh heralds are pretty bad) I need to try to saturate the board with high toughness targets (or those who are shot at by a similar weapon profile).  In my experience this format tends to be short on melta guns and long range units in general (potentially magnified by the 0 - 1 restriction) and the grinder furthers the overall saturation.  Where this list might struggle is against Dark Eldar, but I am going to have to rely on my ally to shoot down those paper planes.

For painting this means i need to crank out 6 crushers in about 30 days (1 every 5 days) which is a challenge but I want those crushers painted anyway.  I will try to keep you all updated on the progress for the crushers I plan to use dark purple, black and gold for the crusher body.  This will be offset by a pale Bloodletter riding whose body is washed in purple and then brushed up to Skull White.  To tie him to the crusher I am going to do the back spines in purple and the swords seem like they should be green (to tie in with the rest of my army).

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